Translation in Arabic language and literature
Fatemeh Savari; Naeem Amouri
Criticism and evaluation of translation is one of the most important fields of study, which measures and recognizes the quality level of translated texts. This evaluation requires linguistic researches of prominent theorists. One of the most important linguistic models introduced and known is the translation ...
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Criticism and evaluation of translation is one of the most important fields of study, which measures and recognizes the quality level of translated texts. This evaluation requires linguistic researches of prominent theorists. One of the most important linguistic models introduced and known is the translation model of Mrs. "Carmen Garces". The present research, with a descriptive-analytical method, aims to investigate and evaluate the novel "Fi Qalbi Anthi Ibriya" by Khawla Hamdi translated by Ms. Asmaa Khajazadeh, using the model proposed by Carmen Garces as a measure and model for evaluating the quality of translation. Ms. Carmen Garces proposes four levels for measuring and evaluating translations, which are: 1- semantic-lexical level; 2- syntactic-word-building (morphological) level; 3- Discursive-applicative level; 4- Stylistic-semantic level.The current study examines only two levels of semantic-lexical and syntactic-lexical construction. Then it deduces that: the most prominent components of semantic-lexical levels in this translation are cultural or functional equivalents, syntactic expansion, syntactic contraction, ambiguity, and in the same proportion general or vice versa, and at the syntactic-lexical level, the most prominent components are literal translation, adaptation, changing syntactically or grammatically, changing the point of view, explaining or expanding the meaning, reducing and eliminating which change the type of sentence in translation.The adequacy and acceptability of a translation is based on counting its positive and negative features. Therefore the higher the number of positive features of the translated text, the higher is its adequacy and acceptability. It can be said that Khawajazadeh's translation conforms to the model of Garces and it has good adequacy and acceptability.Keywords: Criticism, Translation, Carmen Garces,Khawla Hamdi,In My Heart A Hebrew Gir.IntroductionToday, criticism and evaluation of translation has a special place among researchers. The analysis and evaluation of translation plays an important role in improving the quality of translated texts, and with a criterion-oriented view, it analyzes and evaluates the weaknesses and shortcomings in the translation, including reductions, increases and deletions of taste and without logical reasoning. Researchers in the field of translation studies have tried to provide criteria for evaluating and measuring the quality of translated texts. This issue makes the negative reactions to criticism and evaluation of translations to be at their lowest level and criticism is institutionalized in the scientific and academic community and among the owners of the translated works. One of the most prominent criteria and methods presented by theorists and experts in the field of translation studies is the model of Carmen Valero Garces (1994). In order to compare the similarities between two source and destination texts, Garces proposes four levels of analysis to evaluate the translation, which, according to him, sometimes overlap.Research ReviewA: Researches that have considered the evaluation of translation from Arabic to Persian based on the Garces model:- Syedani Ali et al. (2016), in the article "Criticism and analysis of the Persian translation of the novel "Heart of Al-Lil" with the title "Del Shab" based on the model of Garces" Kazem Al-Yasin's translation of the novel "Heart of Al-Lil" based on the four levels of the theory of Mrs. Carmen Garces has been investigated. The authors have come to the conclusion that Al Yassin's translation has been more successful and acceptable in two semantic-lexical and syntactic-morphological levels than the other two levels.- Sepasfar (2017), in a thesis entitled "Criticism of the translations of Abdurrahman Manif's Middle Eastern novel based on the Garces evaluation model", has criticized the quality of these translations using the Garces model.B: Researches that have analyzed Persian to Arabic translation using the Garces model:- Motaghizadeh, Issa and Seyyed Alaanqizadeh (2016) in a research entitled "Evaluation of the translation of Persian literary texts into Arabic based on Carmen Garces model (the message of the leader of the revolution on the occasion of Hajj season 2015 for example) Garces translation evaluation model in the translation of Arabic texts have been explored Although the objective example of the authors is only one Arabic text, they have generalized their results to Arabic texts and have reached results, including: cultural differences and appropriate equivalence based on these differences is one of the important challenges facing translators.C: Researches that have investigated different translations of the Holy Quran and evaluated them based on the Garces model:- Rahimi Khoygani, Mohammad (2016) in the article "Lexical criticism of Musavi Garmarudi's translation of the Holy Qur'an (based on the semantic-lexical level of Garces)" based on one of the levels of the Garces model, he evaluated Garmarudi's translation of the Holy Qur'an and the cases that It can be measured by using the Garces model in the mentioned translation, which is listed in detail in his article.- Anuri (2016) in a dissertation entitled "Criticism of the translation of verbally similar verses in the stories of the Holy Quran based on the approach of Carmen Garces", he extracted the translation of examples of similar words in the stories of the Holy Quran and based on the approach of Garces, he came to the conclusion that the translation These verses have the level of acceptability and sufficiency. Research MethodologyWith the help of the descriptive-analytical method, the present research has compared a part of the original text of the novel "Fei Kaalbi Anthi Ibriya" with the translated text of "That Jewish Girl" by Mrs. Asma Khajezadeh based on the perspective and index of the Garces model, and the source text And the destination has been investigated and evaluated by applying the two levels of semantic-lexical and syntactic-word-formation of Garces's four-level model in order to analyze the amount of reflection of the original text in the translated text.ConclusionAfter examining and criticizing the translation of the book based on two levels of semantic-lexical and syntactic-lexical level of Garces four-level theory, the following results were obtained:The most prominent components of the semantic-lexical levels in the translation of the novel "In the Heart of a Hebrew Woman" are cultural or functional equivalents, syntactic expansion, syntactic contraction, specific versus general or vice versa, and ambiguity.At the syntactic-lexical level, the most prominent components are literal translation, adaptation, syntactic change or grammar, change of perspective, explanation or expansion of meaning, reduction and deletion, and change of sentence type in translation.Cultural equivalence, syntactic expansion, specific versus general or vice versa in the Garces model are among the positive features of a translation at the semantic-lexical level, and syntactic complexity and ambiguity are among the negative features of a translation. Based on the Garces model, at the syntactic-lexical level, literal translation is one of the negative characteristics of a translation, and six characteristics of syntactic change, adaptation, change of perspective, expansion of meaning, reduction and deletion, and change of sentence type are evaluated in positive translation.