Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University ,Tabriz, Iran.

2 MA Graduated of Arabic Language Translation, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University ,Tabriz, Iran.



Creative translation through the concept of trans-compatibility is an interpretive and conceptual approach that should be viewed from the pragmatic perspective. Lance Hewson, a prominent theorist in this regard, suggests that translation faces many challenges, especially when the translator tries to recreate meaning. The challenges may be recognized through pragmatic markers. Hewson introduced the markers with structural patterns in the form of compatibility reflections, through such components as homologous issues, artificial extensions, and expression change. Moreover, he introduces the linguistic patterns in the form of explicitation, implicitation, and description. He believes that the conceptual representation of each linguistic component is connected with the detailed and exact analysis and equalization of each component. Taking Hewson’s creative translation model and a descriptive-analytical approach, this study explored all of the markers in the translation of Ghassan Kanafani’s (2013) A Bridge to the Eternity, published in the collection Plays by Faroogh Najm al-Din (2023). Taking into account the mysterious writing style of Kanafani the translator of A Bridge to the Eternity has tried to recreate the proverbs, idioms, and linguistic metaphors. It was proved that characterization played a significant role in the recreation. Here the existing mysterious language of the translation has represented the mentioned linguistic components; that is, it shows the exact image of socio-political conflicts that dominated the culture and ideology of characters in linguistic context. Considering the results, it can be said that compating Hewson's trans-compatibility markers could yield results in the communication structure of this play.


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