Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran



One of the important techniques used by famous speakers in the process of conveying the desired concepts is the "Antimetabole" or "transformation" technique. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, as an irreplaceable orator, has used the mentioned method to outline ideas in his sermons, and he has placed a great burden of meaning on it, and he has tried with his linguistic ability, between linguistic construction and The desired concept should create harmony and alignment and through it, introduce its ideology to the audience. In the light of the importance of the position and function of the Antimetabolegraph in Nahj al-Balagheh, the present research tries to translate the Antimetabole-oriented fragments of the sermons by choosing the translation of Mohammad Dashti and Abdul Majid Maadikhah as a study group, using a descriptive-analytical method. Nahj al-Balagheh will be analyzed from the point of view of conveying or failing to convey meaning, re-creating or bypassing correspondence in construction, observing linguistic economy or ignoring it, in order to determine the quality of understanding of the two translators regarding the meaning of the mentioned technique, how to reproduce that expressive technique in the target language. , and the amount of attention paid to linguistic economy and minimalism. The investigation shows that both translators were aware of the existence of this technique in the source text and tried to recreate and reconstruct it in Persian language through the repetition of the original structures of the Antimetabole in the process of translating


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