Document Type : Research Paper


1 The student of ferdowsi university

2 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature. Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Dr. Ali Shariati Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Mashhad, Iran.



from 1976 Simultaneously with inventing of the cohesion theory from Halliday and hasan it became the basis of many discourse analysis researches. on the other hand, the Holy Quran as a revelatory text had been a refrence for linguistics investigations for centuries and according to the old and contemporary Quran scholars “one of the best points of Quran is a kind of cohesion in a diffrent layers of it's texture” insofar the Quran scholars considered the smartly dicipline and the wonderful arrangement of the Quranic phrases besides the great content and eloquence of words between the miraculous aspects of Quran. one of the indications of cohesion is conjuctions cohesion that speaks from the conjuctions role in creating cohesion between phrases near the grammatical and lexical cohesion. Halliday and Hasan devided the cohesion's devices in four types: additive, contrasting, casual and time. there are so many cases of conjuctions in Quran but the important matter and the subject of this article is the quality of rebuilding this conjuctions in persian. for this,, at first, we described the basics of cohesion especially conjuction cohesion and conjuction cohesion in the Quran. then the situations of conjuctions in a selection verses of the Quran be checked. finally, we critisized the translators functions.The examined translations include Fouladvand, Khorramshahi and Makarem Shirazi’s translation. Based on the research findings, the importance of this device is undeniable and duo to lack of this usage, there are several mistakes in translators functions during the diagnosing, Consequently translating the conjuctions.


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