Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran

2 m



Valuable series of Mukhtarnameh includes a significant number of vernacular components such as idioms, ironies, assimilation, bazaar street words, slang words, prayers, curses, and broken writing, which has contributed a lot in the process of conveying the desired concepts to the audience. This series, which has been translated into Arabic and has been shown on many channels in the Islamic world, has been well received by the audience. The question raised here is that the translator or the group of translators performed in the process of translating the mentioned components and what strategy they used to translate and equate them. In the light of the relatively impressive presence of the mentioned components in the Mukhtarnameh series and considering that no researcher has looked at the Arabic equivalents of those meanings from this point of view, the research tries to move forward while identifying, extracting and categorizing them. evaluate their Arabic equivalents with a descriptive-analytical method and, if necessary, present the suggested equivalents and make the results of the research known to the audience. The result shows that in the interpretation of the common components of the studied series, more than anything else, conceptual equivalence has been used and a large amount of the equations presented suffer from the problem of insufficiency.


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