Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran



This strives to analyze using a textual approach the patterns that could be practically used to translate to Arabic the copulative sentence with the verb 'ast'. The study's theoretical framework is based on the theory put forth by J. C. Catford from the pragmatic linguistics perspective to analyze translations and in the meantime it introduces the formal correspondence and textual equivalence binary to provide a pragmatic method for analyzing the equivalence between the structures of the two languages. The excerpts of the study are also adapted from "Iran's Contemporary Poetry in Iran" (Persian text with Arabic translation).

To answer the question of the study using an analytical-descriptive methodology, various examples of the copulative sentence with the verb 'ast' were comparatively analyzed against their textual equivalences in Arabic. Finally, the different types of the equivalences in Arabic for this type of Persian sentence are described under six categories. These include 1) the grammatical aspect of copula in Arabic correspondent to the Persian verb 'ast', 2) the verbal aspect of copula in Arabic correspondent to the Persian verb 'ast', 3) the verbal aspect of copula in Arabic correspondent to the verb 'ast' and another element of the Persian sentence, 4) the Arabic lexical set equivalent of the copulative sentence with the verb 'ast', 5) linguistic clichés and idiomatic expressions in Arabic equivalent to the copulative sentence with the verb 'ast', and 6) changes in Arabic expression in equivalence with the copulative sentence with the verb 'ast'.


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