Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran

2 Studeni



Considering the importance of the speaker's intentions in political literature and the mechanisms employed by writers and novelists in their works, as well as the close relationship between persuasive tools and a range of factors such as the author's or narrator's reputation, character, and role in ideation and imagery in the audience's mind to achieve specific goals, this article examines the linguistic analysis of one of the persuasive tools and its impact on the translation of political texts, including contemporary novels. The method of the article is descriptive-analytical based on structuralism, focusing on three main axes: the text creator, the receiver, and the multifaceted impact of various ethos in text production, followed by its reproductive impact through literary translators. The research aims to explore the significance of considering the application of ethos in contemporary novels within the field of translation as one of the characteristics of translating contemporary novels.The impact of applying various ethos types on the maturity of the writer's ideas, persuasion towards the realization of speech acts, and behavior change are among the results of the present research. Undoubtedly, paying attention to this topic in the field of translating contemporary texts is also very important for advancing effective discursive strategies in public opinion. The message of the text only leads to behavioral action when there is a proper understanding between the production of the text and its reproduction, and the main message of the text does not appear obscure among incomprehensible words after translation.


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